Friday, January 5, 2007
Cingular Releasing Treo 750 on January 7th/8th
Posted by Darius Wey in "HARDWARE" @ 10:00 PM
"Well, we knew Palm and Cingular were launching the Treo 750 on January 7th (i.e. the unofficial first day of CES), but now we've got the full skinny on the release. Customers will be able to get theirs at Cingular retail stores, or Cingular or Palm's online stores on January 8th for $399 with two year service agreement (and $100 mail-in rebate). Oh, did we mention the 750's gonna come with that sweet threaded messaging app we've been waiting for (well, some of us haven't been waiting for it), and has a free HSDPA upgrade due in 1H06?"

If you had your doubts, then doubt no more, because Cingular has the Treo 750 in stock and is ready to sell in a couple of days. Any of you plan on picking one up?

If you had your doubts, then doubt no more, because Cingular has the Treo 750 in stock and is ready to sell in a couple of days. Any of you plan on picking one up?