Thursday, December 28, 2006
Monocube Releaes SafeMode 2; Cracked In Record Time
Posted by Jon Westfall in "SOFTWARE" @ 12:19 PM
"You requested - and I've listened: SafeMode 2 was developed from scratch, based on user requirements and feedback.
Yes, it supports Windows Mobile 5 :) SafeMode 2 now features an advanced PDA crash protection system:it's started very early (4th application - the first 3 are required Window Mobile applications) in the startup process, allowing a better control over what and when it's allowed to run....while entering SafeMode, it stops all known 3rd party application types"

The original SafeMode program has been updated, and looks to offer some pretty nice new features. Apparently not only do Pocket PC Enthusiasts think so, but also do crackers. 2 days after release, a crack was distributed that Mircea at Monocube was able to have removed from a website. It's a strange sign of popularity to be cracked (especially that quickly), however I think we can all agree that $6.95 isn't especially high of a price to pay for software such as this!
Yes, it supports Windows Mobile 5 :) SafeMode 2 now features an advanced PDA crash protection system:it's started very early (4th application - the first 3 are required Window Mobile applications) in the startup process, allowing a better control over what and when it's allowed to run....while entering SafeMode, it stops all known 3rd party application types"

The original SafeMode program has been updated, and looks to offer some pretty nice new features. Apparently not only do Pocket PC Enthusiasts think so, but also do crackers. 2 days after release, a crack was distributed that Mircea at Monocube was able to have removed from a website. It's a strange sign of popularity to be cracked (especially that quickly), however I think we can all agree that $6.95 isn't especially high of a price to pay for software such as this!