Thursday, November 30, 2006
There Just Might Be New Axims from Dell After All
Posted by Paul Martin in "NEWS" @ 05:30 AM
"Taking this all together, I had just about given up hope that there would ever be any more Axims. Then I spied something in IDC's most recent report on the world handheld market: The company [Dell] has finished phasing out some of the older models from its portfolio and is concentrating on developing the Axim X51 platform with faster processors and more memory. I couldn't get anyone outside of IDC to confirm this, but it still was enough to renew my faith. It's mighty lite on specifics, but at least there's some solid evidence that we can expect new Pocket PCs from Dell at some point in the future."

Like many, I assumed that Dell would eventually close out the X51 series and exit the PDA space. Ed Hardy of Brighthand has some intriguing thoughts on why Dell hasn't released a new device yet and why they may be about to in the coming months.

Like many, I assumed that Dell would eventually close out the X51 series and exit the PDA space. Ed Hardy of Brighthand has some intriguing thoughts on why Dell hasn't released a new device yet and why they may be about to in the coming months.