Wednesday, November 22, 2006 Reviews Windows Mobile 6 (Crossbow)
Posted by Jon Westfall in "THOUGHT" @ 01:06 AM
"Today we are getting our readers to know the new mobile operating system by Microsoft codenamed “Windows Mobile Crossbow”. The most probable title for the commercial edition, though, is “Windows Mobile 6.0”, but it is the thing to remain veiled until an official announcement is made. Beginning from the previous version of Windows Mobile, the company has put into practice a new approach to indexing, so that now codenames are replaced by numbers, like “5.0”, “6.0” etc. Interestingly, the second digit in the index hasn’t been called for up until now, in other words, we haven’t seen Windows Mobile 5.2 or 5.3 yet, since all intermediate updates and patch-works have been introduced within various versions of AKU (Adaptation Kit Update) update packs...The new version of operating system is destined to fill the time gap between Windows Mobile 5.0 and Windows Mobile Photon (Windows Mobile 7.0?). Truly significant updates are few, which, on top of that, are aimed at reacting to the change in the market environment. Early in 2007 Microsoft is thoroughly revamping its software range with Windows Vista, Office 2007, MS Exchange 2007. Therefore, against such impressive background an updated version Windows Mobile was simply bound to come out."

Juicy screenshots and information abound in this write-up. It was hard to pick out just one for the image above, but I decided to give you a sense of the new eye-candy we can expect in Crossbow. Out with old icons (and the old Phone ringer, sadly), and in with the new. For info on the superficial and the substantial, check out the write-up.

Juicy screenshots and information abound in this write-up. It was hard to pick out just one for the image above, but I decided to give you a sense of the new eye-candy we can expect in Crossbow. Out with old icons (and the old Phone ringer, sadly), and in with the new. For info on the superficial and the substantial, check out the write-up.