Monday, November 6, 2006
Mobility Site Reviews the BlueAnt X3 Micro Bluetooth Headset
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "ARTICLE" @ 03:00 PM
"A small non-intimidating headset that looks good, feels great and plugs in my ear comfortably as well as having the ability to connect with up to three devices and you can switch devices while on the fly. Yeah! Sound slick? It is! Switching devices is easy. You just press the multi-function button and the '-' key to disconnect the device you are using then press the multi-function button once, twice or three times depending on what device you want to connect to. I routinely switch between my Palm 700W or KJAM with out a hitch … it's very slick."

If you're one of those people constantly searching for the smallest most comfortable Bluetooth headset, check out the review. The BlueAnt is certainly an intruiging option. It weighs in at less than a half ounce, sports the ability to switch between three devices at the push of a button, and comes with a relatively affordable pricetag (~$70 USD). Anyone else manage to give this a try? Give us your thoughts.

If you're one of those people constantly searching for the smallest most comfortable Bluetooth headset, check out the review. The BlueAnt is certainly an intruiging option. It weighs in at less than a half ounce, sports the ability to switch between three devices at the push of a button, and comes with a relatively affordable pricetag (~$70 USD). Anyone else manage to give this a try? Give us your thoughts.