Friday, November 3, 2006
Rip DVDs to Your Pocket PC - Clinton Fitch Reviews DVD Catalyst GT
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "ARTICLE" @ 01:30 PM
"Over the past several years, many developers have released DVD ripping applications which allowed users to copy a DVD to their hard disk for playback directly on their PC, iPod or Windows Mobile device... The problem facing DVD Catalyst has been the same however for all of the applications: complexity... With this in mind and a goal of ease-of-use in mind, the makers of DVD Catalyst have released DVD Catalyst GT. In a nutshell, it is the quickest and easiest DVD conversion software application I have had the opportunity to use to date."

Let me tell you, the ability view DVD-quality video on my Pocket PC is a huge boone to my own entertainment needs when travelling. I personally follow a complex series of steps to encode my own DVDs, but with many third solutions available today, the complexity and learning curve can be reduced significantly. Now, if Clinton Fitch is saying that DVD Catalyst GT is the quickest and easiest of that bunch, then it may be worth a look. Check ot the review and give us your thoughts!

Let me tell you, the ability view DVD-quality video on my Pocket PC is a huge boone to my own entertainment needs when travelling. I personally follow a complex series of steps to encode my own DVDs, but with many third solutions available today, the complexity and learning curve can be reduced significantly. Now, if Clinton Fitch is saying that DVD Catalyst GT is the quickest and easiest of that bunch, then it may be worth a look. Check ot the review and give us your thoughts!