Friday, November 3, 2006
HP rx5915 Review
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "HARDWARE" @ 01:30 AM
"The design itself is a little bit reminiscent of the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet, with a landscape screen and squared-off directional pad above the centerline on one side of the display. The iPAQ, however, is much smaller and lighter than the Nokia, and has more features besides."

Brighthand has a review up on the rx5915 - the verdict is: Expensive but solid device, very impressive set of maps (from Teleatlas IIRC), with some bugs which may be due to the review set being a pre-production model. This is also the only review that mentions that the iPaq's screen has an anti-glare coating, which is something I've never come across before. As noted in other reviews, you don't get to use all of the 2GB in the high-end model - more than 75% is used up by the maps for the navigation software (I can't be more precise since different reviewers have noted varying amounts of remaining space). If you're just getting started with GPS, the rx5915 is certainly a great option, especially with the range of included accessories.

Brighthand has a review up on the rx5915 - the verdict is: Expensive but solid device, very impressive set of maps (from Teleatlas IIRC), with some bugs which may be due to the review set being a pre-production model. This is also the only review that mentions that the iPaq's screen has an anti-glare coating, which is something I've never come across before. As noted in other reviews, you don't get to use all of the 2GB in the high-end model - more than 75% is used up by the maps for the navigation software (I can't be more precise since different reviewers have noted varying amounts of remaining space). If you're just getting started with GPS, the rx5915 is certainly a great option, especially with the range of included accessories.