Monday, October 23, 2006
Awesome T-Mobile Prices for Windows Mobile Developers! Existing T-Mobile Customers Need Not Apply.
Posted by Jon Westfall in "EVENT" @ 03:31 PM
"You've earned it. Now Microsoft wants to thank you with a great deal on a Windows Mobile powered smartphone from T-Mobile. This is your opportunity to receive up to a $300 discount on the latest Windows Mobile device from T-Mobile. In addition - you can receive discounts on mobile service all for being an MSDN subscriber. Leverage your skills to build applications for the .NET Compact Framework and get started as a Windows Mobile developer today."

Not a bad deal indeed! The Dash for $99 with promo code "Windows Mobile". Only problem is that if you're an existing T-Mobile customer, even if you are willing to re-up your contract for another 2 years, the offer isn't valid. New activations & data plan upgrades only. After all, who the heck cares about your existing customers - mistreat them all you want (the number 1 rule for cellular phone providers!). If you're not tied to T-Mo already, the prices are surely worth your consideration, however.

Not a bad deal indeed! The Dash for $99 with promo code "Windows Mobile". Only problem is that if you're an existing T-Mobile customer, even if you are willing to re-up your contract for another 2 years, the offer isn't valid. New activations & data plan upgrades only. After all, who the heck cares about your existing customers - mistreat them all you want (the number 1 rule for cellular phone providers!). If you're not tied to T-Mo already, the prices are surely worth your consideration, however.