Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Socket Announces World's Smallest Laser Bar Code Scanner
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "HARDWARE" @ 12:30 AM
"Socket Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCKT), an innovative provider of mobile productivity products, today announced the Secure Digital Scan Card 3M (SDSC 3M). Designed for Pocket PCs or other mobile devices running Windows Mobile or Palm software, the SDSC provides the ideal solution for users with 1D bar code scanning applications that require a portable, powerful, easy-to-use and accurate method to collect bar coded data."

Color me impressed - it's hard to imagine fitting the innards of a bar code scanner into something this small (though the wifi microSD card is an even more impressive technical acheivement). With Compact Flash all but gone from the Windows Mobile scene, the development of SDIO compatible peripherals is welcome - even if everybody is transitioning into even smaller form factors. Still, stuff like this means that there's still life in the SD format, which will hopefully encourage manufacturers to keep it around for a while longer. The SDSC 3M will be available worldwide from October 24 with an MSRP of $399.

Color me impressed - it's hard to imagine fitting the innards of a bar code scanner into something this small (though the wifi microSD card is an even more impressive technical acheivement). With Compact Flash all but gone from the Windows Mobile scene, the development of SDIO compatible peripherals is welcome - even if everybody is transitioning into even smaller form factors. Still, stuff like this means that there's still life in the SD format, which will hopefully encourage manufacturers to keep it around for a while longer. The SDSC 3M will be available worldwide from October 24 with an MSRP of $399.