Friday, October 13, 2006
End of the Road for Pocket Streets?
Posted by Darius Wey in "THOUGHT" @ 04:00 AM
"Where is MS Pocket Streets? It's gone! I don't know the reason, but it's just simply not there. S&T still has the ability to export small map areas for use with MS Pocket Streets, but the Pocket Streets program itself is no longer included. I searched the installation DVD, but the old PStreets folder is not there. I checked the Help file, but the section titled Working with Pocket Streets has been removed, too. It comes as a surprise. Does it mean Microsoft is abandoning Pocket Streets?"

It was only a few months ago that we saw Microsoft drop Pocket Money, and now the word on the streets (excuse the pun) is that Pocket Streets (once a stand-alone product; this year acting as an exclusive OEM- and Streets & Trips / MapPoint-bundled application) has suffered the same fate. While this finding has yet to be confirmed by Microsoft, this is a concern for Windows Mobile 5.0 users who still have no fix for Pocket Streets' compatibility issues. If you use Pocket Streets, tell us what's running through your mind.

It was only a few months ago that we saw Microsoft drop Pocket Money, and now the word on the streets (excuse the pun) is that Pocket Streets (once a stand-alone product; this year acting as an exclusive OEM- and Streets & Trips / MapPoint-bundled application) has suffered the same fate. While this finding has yet to be confirmed by Microsoft, this is a concern for Windows Mobile 5.0 users who still have no fix for Pocket Streets' compatibility issues. If you use Pocket Streets, tell us what's running through your mind.