Friday, October 6, 2006
Pocket PC: The Best Way to Start Your Day?
Posted by Jason Dunn in "THOUGHT" @ 10:20 AM

I was doing some RSS scouring and happened to end up on engadget, and looked at a couple of the top user-submitted videos from a recent contest they ran. The video submitted by Dan Sheppard caught my attention when I noticed it used a Pocket a rather un-flattering way. It's an older device, and in fact, the first person to identify it from the photo above will win a much-coveted Pocket PC Thoughts micro light. What kind of Pocket PC is it?
UPDATE: The first person to correctly identify the Pocket PC as a Casio EM-500 (on their first guess, without editing the message - did I really need to point that out people? ;-)) was Ploobers. Nicely done!