Thursday, September 28, 2006
Listen to Radio on Your Pocket PC (Phone Edition) with Mundu Radio
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "SOFTWARE" @ 03:00 PM
"Why stop at a few hundred songs, when you can pick from tens and thousands of radio stations, right on your mobile phone. Mundu Radio works with Symbian, Windows Mobile, and Palm phones to bring streaming internet radio stations to your mobile. All you need is a data connection (GPRS/CDMA). Download Mundu Radio now and tune in to the planet."

Internet radio has become more and more popular via the PC. Now, Geodesic attempts to grow its popularity on the mobile platform with Mundu Radio. Bewarned that this is currently in beta, so the standard precautions apply here. At this time, their support for Windows Mobile is limited to Windows Mobile 5 or Windows Mobile 2003SE devices (no mention of Smartphone support). Certain Palm and Symbian devices are also supported. Anyone manage to try this? Let us know.

Internet radio has become more and more popular via the PC. Now, Geodesic attempts to grow its popularity on the mobile platform with Mundu Radio. Bewarned that this is currently in beta, so the standard precautions apply here. At this time, their support for Windows Mobile is limited to Windows Mobile 5 or Windows Mobile 2003SE devices (no mention of Smartphone support). Certain Palm and Symbian devices are also supported. Anyone manage to try this? Let us know.