Tuesday, September 26, 2006
iLauncher V3.0 Reviewed
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "SOFTWARE" @ 12:00 AM
"iL (abbreviation for iLauncher) is a Today plug-in that helps you to create icons (shortcuts) for your applications, folders, control panel applets, meters, radio/TV stations, playlists,etc..These icons can be organized by several tabs and displayed in several modes on your today screen for easy access. This utility provides not only visual enhancement but comes with fully packed with functionality"

After the Version 3 upgrade to iLauncher, with its oodles of goodies, a review of the new functionality is most welcome. SBSH are well on the way to providing a product that competes really effectively with SPB's Pocket Plus, though personally I think this one-upmanship between these two software houses might be going a little far. Whatever your thoughts on the subject, iLauncher is a solid product with the usual fantastic SBSH support behind it. You can purchase a copy or give it a shot at our affiliate store.

After the Version 3 upgrade to iLauncher, with its oodles of goodies, a review of the new functionality is most welcome. SBSH are well on the way to providing a product that competes really effectively with SPB's Pocket Plus, though personally I think this one-upmanship between these two software houses might be going a little far. Whatever your thoughts on the subject, iLauncher is a solid product with the usual fantastic SBSH support behind it. You can purchase a copy or give it a shot at our affiliate store.