Friday, September 15, 2006
Getting Ready for Mobius 2006: DVD Ripfest!
Posted by Jason Dunn in "THOUGHT" @ 08:00 PM

[click image above for a bigger version]
Tonight, I'm heading off to Microsoft's Mobius conference...only this time, instead of going to Seattle, I'm headed to Thailand. 8O It's still a bit surprising because it's such a departure from the norm, but Microsoft had opted to do two Mobius events this year, one in Boston, and one in the Phuket area of Thailand. I'm in for 39 hours of travel, so having some portable entertainment is in order. Thankfully, my lovely wife is also coming along for the journey (at my expense of course) so that will make the travel easier.
Sadly, since no Pocket PC vendor has made a device with a nice big hard drive, I'm using a mixture of devices: my Zen Vision:M, a Toshiba Gigabeat S, a Zen Micro, and my laptop. I've been ripping DVDs and converting TV shows to WMV for about a week now, and I'm simply in awe of how fantastic CloneDVD Mobile and AnyDVD are. Every developer could stand to learn from these applications in terms of ease of use. Software that works - go figure!
I emailed the developer and raved about how much I liked the software, and he gave me a promotional code to share with all of you. If you use the promotion code digitalmediathoughts in the Slysoft store [affiliate], valid through 2006-09-30, you'll save $5 on a single product (such as CloneDVD Mobile), $10 on a two-product bundle (such as CloneDVD Mobile and AnyDVD), $15 on a three-product bundle, and $20 on a four-product bundle.
I'm hoping to have some connectivity at the resort in Phuket where the conference is being held, so you'll hopefully see me online here and there. I'm off to the airport - I have 39 hours of travel time to kill!