Sunday, September 17, 2006
Preview Of Outlook Web Access 2007 Light
Posted by Jon Westfall in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 09:00 AM
"Hello. My name is Nathan Breskin-Auer. Some of you may already know me as the father of the kid that does the wicked Mr. Roboto number in "that accessibility video", but - in fact - I am also the Product Designer and PM for Microsoft Exchange 2007 Outlook Web Access Light. OWA Light is the solution for all browsers and operating systems other than IE6 or IE7 on Windows. So for all of you Firefox users, like myself, all of you Mac users, like my wife (hi honey!), and everyone else using something other than IE6+, here's a little preview of the improvements that we've made to "The Product Formerly Known as OWA Basic."

As a Firefox user and OWA user as well, I can tell you that I'm really looking forward to a better interface than the basic interface of OWA 2003. Basic is actually an overstatement in my opinion - it's clunky and not too easy on the eyes in my opinion. Looks like the preview posted over at "You Had Me At EHLO" is good news for those who want a bit nicer basic interface.

As a Firefox user and OWA user as well, I can tell you that I'm really looking forward to a better interface than the basic interface of OWA 2003. Basic is actually an overstatement in my opinion - it's clunky and not too easy on the eyes in my opinion. Looks like the preview posted over at "You Had Me At EHLO" is good news for those who want a bit nicer basic interface.