Monday, September 11, 2006
Windows Mobile Device Center: How It's Supposed to Work
Posted by Darius Wey in "ARTICLE" @ 07:30 AM
"Microsoft released Vista RC1 last week and some of you are already using it. If you use a Pocket PC or Smartphone device, you may be disappointed to find that the Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC) is missing from Vista RC1. I've seen a few posts about this on various forums so I got some clarification from the team working on WMDC."

Mel Sampat, a Windows Mobile Program Manager at Microsoft, has given us a brief overview of the Windows Mobile Device Center in Windows Vista. It's not a long post, but provides sufficient information for those of you new to Windows Vista wanting to learn more about the sync option available and how it's supposed to work.

Mel Sampat, a Windows Mobile Program Manager at Microsoft, has given us a brief overview of the Windows Mobile Device Center in Windows Vista. It's not a long post, but provides sufficient information for those of you new to Windows Vista wanting to learn more about the sync option available and how it's supposed to work.