Wednesday, September 6, 2006
Treo 750v Available for Pre-order on Vodafone UK
Posted by Nurhisham Hussein in "HARDWARE" @ 03:00 AM
"The new Palm® Treo™ smartphone is an industry first, using Vodafone's high-speed 3G network and delivering Palm's ease of use on top of the Microsoft Window's Mobile® operating system – all backed up by Vodafone's dedicated service for business."

You've seen the pics - now it's sort of official :wink:. The Palm Treo 750v is now available for pre-order on the Vodafone UK business site, with 3G capability and push e-mail. Pricing is up to GBP127.66 depending on contract.

You've seen the pics - now it's sort of official :wink:. The Palm Treo 750v is now available for pre-order on the Vodafone UK business site, with 3G capability and push e-mail. Pricing is up to GBP127.66 depending on contract.