Monday, August 28, 2006
WinMobile Lens Pro Magnifies Areas Of The Screen
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "SOFTWARE" @ 08:30 AM
"Unlike desktop and notebook computers, data display and the mobile device's tiny screen that contains them have proved extremely difficult to view and navigate for many of us. All shrink into such a small real estate of our mobile device, surely we have to live with the limitation. Until now, that is. Today, through a revolutionary approach, Adisasta comes out with a fantastic solution: WinMobile Lens Pro. "

If there are times you'd like to be able to zoom in on your Pocket PC's screen, you should give this software a shot. It is $18 from their site and runs on Windows Mobile 2003/SE and WM5.
"Unlike desktop and notebook computers, data display and the mobile device's tiny screen that contains them have proved extremely difficult to view and navigate for many of us. All shrink into such a small real estate of our mobile device, surely we have to live with the limitation. Until now, that is. Today, through a revolutionary approach, Adisasta comes out with a fantastic solution: WinMobile Lens Pro. "

If there are times you'd like to be able to zoom in on your Pocket PC's screen, you should give this software a shot. It is $18 from their site and runs on Windows Mobile 2003/SE and WM5.