Thursday, August 24, 2006
Treo News: Sprint's 700wx in the Wild, 700w Discount, pocketnow Compares 700w and 700p
Posted by Janak Parekh in "HARDWARE" @ 01:00 PM
Three interesting Windows Mobile Treo tidbits dropped into our news queue the last few days.

- Gadgets on the Go is reporting that the 700wx can already be purchased from some Sprint stores (that's their pic shown above, from an LA store, as proof). Prices seem to be around $649. Engadget's current rumor mill suggests that the official release date will be August 31.
- I wonder if Verizon is spooked by Sprint release of the 700wx; Brighthand is reporting that you can get an additional $100 as a mail-in-rebate off the price of the 700w and the 700p, reducing the price to $299 (with contract). This deal is valid until September 10 and is accessible through Verizon Wireless's website.
- Finally, puts the 700p and the 700w through their paces and tries to compare the two. The two come in with similar overall scores, although they note the 700p is a bit "simpler" but the 700w has more features. I'm not sure I agree about the simpler bit, but there are some interesting comparative screen shots and discussion raised in the article.