Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Yet Another Orange SPV M3100 Review - From MSMobileNews' Perspective
Posted by Jon Westfall in "ARTICLE" @ 03:00 PM
"The Orange SPV M3100 is packed full of features, you’ll struggle to find another phone on the market that offers so much. You would therefore expect the M3100 to be a large device physically; this is not the case however. Granted, it is heavier and larger than your average mobile telephone but when compared to the SPV M5000, a device with a similar list of specifications, you’ll really appreciate the drastic reduction in size. This device is usable as a day to day mobile phone whilst also performing well as a PDA. The requirements of a mobile device are specific to each user, one thing is for certain though, you’ll not find yourself wanting more should you choose the SPV M3100. It has pushed its way to the front of the queue in terms of being my everyday phone and it will take something special to dislodge it, well until the next new Windows Mobile device is released anyway!"

The M3100 Reviews seem to be streaming into our inboxes in sporadic bursts (Just like Real player :twisted:), and to the collection we now add MSMobileNews' nicely written (and chalk full of pictures) review. Whereas the Wizard wow'ed everyone last year by being so innovative, it seems it's offspring will wow everyone with a competitve feature set and killer looks. Now if it just had an audio port, GPS, VGA, and used Mini-SD all in the same size package, it would be perfect!

The M3100 Reviews seem to be streaming into our inboxes in sporadic bursts (Just like Real player :twisted:), and to the collection we now add MSMobileNews' nicely written (and chalk full of pictures) review. Whereas the Wizard wow'ed everyone last year by being so innovative, it seems it's offspring will wow everyone with a competitve feature set and killer looks. Now if it just had an audio port, GPS, VGA, and used Mini-SD all in the same size package, it would be perfect!