Monday, August 14, 2006
SafeBoot Data Encryption Comes to Windows Mobile Devices
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "SOFTWARE" @ 02:00 PM
"SafeBoot® Device Encryption™ for Windows Mobile® is a complete security solution for the protection of data on Smartphones and Pocket PCs. Combining strong User Authentication and transparent on-the-fly encryption, SafeBoot prevents the unauthorized use of, or access to, data on Smart Phones and Pocket PCs running Windows Mobile."

Mobile data enryption products are becoming more and more prevalent as more companies deploy high-powered PDAs as enterprise tools. SafeBoot is the latest to join the fray. They have a solid history of data encryption solutions for the PC and are now expanding to both SmartPhones and Pocket PCs. So if you're looking for some encryption options for your company, you may want to give this a look. As always, let us know if you have any experience with this!

Mobile data enryption products are becoming more and more prevalent as more companies deploy high-powered PDAs as enterprise tools. SafeBoot is the latest to join the fray. They have a solid history of data encryption solutions for the PC and are now expanding to both SmartPhones and Pocket PCs. So if you're looking for some encryption options for your company, you may want to give this a look. As always, let us know if you have any experience with this!