Wednesday, August 2, 2006
MyCnknow Right Menu for Cascading Menus and Batch Command Support
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "SOFTWARE" @ 12:00 PM
Right Menu is a program you can use to enhance the way you use your Pocket PC or Smartphone. While you can customize your own cascading start menus, the real potential value-add lies within their batch command capabilities. So if you find yourself having to do the same taps over and over again for specific tasks, this program could automate that by simply invoking one batch command.

The cost is $9.99 and a trial download is available. Note that for Pocket PC users, this program only works with Windows Mobile 5 (though for SmartPhone users, it works with WM2003, WM2003SE, and WM5). If anyone has managed to give this a try, let us know your thoughts. Batch capabilties are something that I absolutely can't do without on my PC (thanks to AutoHotKey), so I'm actually eager to try this out myself.

The cost is $9.99 and a trial download is available. Note that for Pocket PC users, this program only works with Windows Mobile 5 (though for SmartPhone users, it works with WM2003, WM2003SE, and WM5). If anyone has managed to give this a try, let us know your thoughts. Batch capabilties are something that I absolutely can't do without on my PC (thanks to AutoHotKey), so I'm actually eager to try this out myself.