Thursday, July 27, 2006
PocketGear 15% Discount Coupon Renewed
Posted by Jason Dunn in "UPDATE" @ 10:30 AM

PocketGear was kind enough to renew the 15% discount coupon for subscribers, so be sure to use it when you are ordering software (it's valid until January 2008). If you'd also like to use our affiliate store link, that would be cool. ;-)
If you're not a subscriber, here's a list of some of the other discounts you're missing out on:
25% off any WebIS Mobile software products or WebIS Icon sets
$7 Off any Ilium Software Title
50% Off SpaceTime Mobile Realms
FREE ZoneCalc from Two Peaks and Thoughts Media Inc.
15% Off nSignia Cases
15% Off
20% Off Mastersoft SuDoku
10% Off Pocket PC Techs Upgrades and Accessories
Save 20% on Clickgamer Software