Thursday, July 27, 2006
Mobile Devices Set to Invade Vegas
Posted by Darius Wey in "NEWS" @ 12:00 AM
"The next time you see a guy sitting poolside here furiously tapping away on a PDA, don't pity the fool's inability to leave work. It may be the blackjack table he can't get enough of. This year, field trials will begin at the Venetian Hotel-Casino for the nation's first mobile gambling devices, handheld gadgets that will enable guests to play video slots, poker, blackjack and roulette from almost anywhere on the property. The development promises to be the next big innovation in casino technology since the advent of coinless slot machines, an opportunity to allow gamblers to keep playing through lunch at the buffet, during a meeting in the convention center or perhaps while waiting for "Blue Man Group" to start."

Last year, we saw Nevada's legalisation of the use of mobile devices for gambling within the casino spaces. Now it's all set to take off. Check out the article, then let us know your thoughts. How well do you think it'll work?

Last year, we saw Nevada's legalisation of the use of mobile devices for gambling within the casino spaces. Now it's all set to take off. Check out the article, then let us know your thoughts. How well do you think it'll work?