Monday, July 31, 2006
MobileTechRoundup Best Mobile Podcast Finalist
Posted by Jason Dunn in "EVENT" @ 10:00 AM
"We are thrilled to report that MobileTechRoundup (MoTR) is a finalist in the Best Mobile Podcast category of the Podcast Awards! The Podcast Awards are the biggest award competition honoring podcasts in a lot of different categories and we thank them for putting on such an awesome competition. They go out of their way to put on a top-notch competition and we are honored that our listeners nominated our show in such numbers to put us in the top 5 finalists in this category that represents hundreds (if not thousands) of podcasts. Voting begins at midnight on July 28th and runs through August 11th so get your votes in and see if we can get MoTR the top dog spot in the Best Mobile Podcast category. Kevin, Matt and I put a lot of work and love into producing the show and it is such a validation for all we do to make the finalist list. You can see the entire list of finalists here and remember, once the voting lights up you can vote once per day (per IP address) so don’t forget!"

If you're a fan of the MobileTechRoundup Podcast, here's your chance to show your support!

If you're a fan of the MobileTechRoundup Podcast, here's your chance to show your support!