Wednesday, July 19, 2006
MobileTechReview Reviews the Sony Vaio UX180P Micro PC
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "ARTICLE" @ 01:00 PM
"Shying away from the UMPC (Ultra Mobile PC) design, introduced in late May 2006, Sony decided to do it their way and create yet another highly mobile concept in full Windows XP computing. Indeed, the UX is quite different from the Samsung Q1 UMPC, and bears more similarity (conceptually) to the OQO model 01. Sony perhaps learned from the OQO's shortcomings, thus releasing a more solid, usable machine for $200 less than the model 01's original price."

Give Sony credit! While their UX line isn't perfect, they're real close to establishing it as THE gold standard for micro/mobile/handheld PCs (if they haven't already). The reviews and accolades continue with MobileTechReview being the latest to take on Sony's new creation. Check out the article to find out why they awarded the UX180P with their "Editor's Choice" seal-of-approval!

Give Sony credit! While their UX line isn't perfect, they're real close to establishing it as THE gold standard for micro/mobile/handheld PCs (if they haven't already). The reviews and accolades continue with MobileTechReview being the latest to take on Sony's new creation. Check out the article to find out why they awarded the UX180P with their "Editor's Choice" seal-of-approval!