Tuesday, July 18, 2006
CABviaActiveSync FREE Edition Released
Posted by Raphael Salgado in "SOFTWARE" @ 12:00 PM
"Last week, nedge2k and I were lamenting how much of a nuisance it was to install CABs on the phone. Sure, it's not complex, but there are a bunch of applications out there to try and choose from that do it (one by myself from a long time ago included!), once you've installed a CAB you need to keep a copy of it for future installs, it doesn't integrate with ActiveSync and - well - in general, it's a bit painful. With this in mind, I mentioned to nedge2k that writing an application to integrate CABs with the ActiveSync installer wouldn't theoretically be very hard. This morning, I actually got the inspiration to do something about it... so it's my pleasure to introduce CABviaActiveSync 1.0."

Well, this freeware program is a certainly a blessing! From new Windows Mobile owners who don't know what to do with CAB files, to power users who want nothing but the CAB file to do with as they please, CABviaActiveSync serves it purpose brilliantly. With a right-click context menu option like you see above, the CAB file will instantly be installed on your Windows Mobile device, and will also be archived in the ActiveSync folder on your desktop. Now, if we can get more developers to have CAB installers of their programs available for download (and shy away from those bloated desktop installers throwing additional demos and junk at me), I'd be a happy camper. ;)

Well, this freeware program is a certainly a blessing! From new Windows Mobile owners who don't know what to do with CAB files, to power users who want nothing but the CAB file to do with as they please, CABviaActiveSync serves it purpose brilliantly. With a right-click context menu option like you see above, the CAB file will instantly be installed on your Windows Mobile device, and will also be archived in the ActiveSync folder on your desktop. Now, if we can get more developers to have CAB installers of their programs available for download (and shy away from those bloated desktop installers throwing additional demos and junk at me), I'd be a happy camper. ;)