Tuesday, July 18, 2006
PDA for the Visually Impaired
Posted by Darius Wey in "HARDWARE" @ 10:00 AM
"Combining a state-of-the-art digital camera with a powerful personal data assistant, the "camera that talks" puts the best available character recognition software together with text-to-speech conversion technology--all in a single, handheld device. The Kurzweil-National Federation of the Blind Reader has the ability to dramatically enhance the lives of millions of people who have difficulty seeing or reading print by providing access like never before. Users need only hold the Reader over print-a restaurant menu, an airline ticket, a business card, a school assignment, an office memo-and in seconds they hear the contents of the printed document played back in clear synthetic speech. The National Federation of the Blind helped fund the development and production of the Reader and helped plan and design it, especially with respect to the user interface. As many as 500 NFB "Pioneers" have tested and influenced the design of the Reader."

It costs $3,495, but this modified Asus MyPal A730/A730W (an assumption made based on the image above) sports an impressive list of features. The Kurzweil-National Federation think it's revolutionary and life-changing. Your thoughts?

It costs $3,495, but this modified Asus MyPal A730/A730W (an assumption made based on the image above) sports an impressive list of features. The Kurzweil-National Federation think it's revolutionary and life-changing. Your thoughts?