Monday, July 17, 2006
PDAToday Reviews the Arkon GPS Cradle & MobiNavigator Software
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "ARTICLE" @ 11:00 AM
"The notion is very attractive: You've got a PDA. Wouldn't it be great to have a way to use it as a GPS in your car? There are a number of devices out there that clip on, transmit by Bluetooth, plug in by USB or card slot - surely something works. If you could find something that could hold your PDA, charge it up and add GPS functionality as well, wouldn't that be just cool? I thought it would, and so when I got an opportunity to try out an Arkon Powered GPS Docking cradle and their MobiNavigator software for my Axim V50x, I jumped at the chance."

There are so many options today for PDA owner wanting GPS functionality, ranging from Bluetooth receivers to converged cradle/GPS receivers. If you're an Axim x51v owner and are considering your GPS options, take a look at this article. The author is rather detailed in his narrative of both the cradle and the software though screenshots of the latter is lacking (aside from the image above). Also beware that according to the Arkon website, this product appears to have been discontinued in favor of a newer solution, so if you're interested specifically in the reviewed unit, you'll want to rush the reseller sites soon to check on pricing and remaining stock.

There are so many options today for PDA owner wanting GPS functionality, ranging from Bluetooth receivers to converged cradle/GPS receivers. If you're an Axim x51v owner and are considering your GPS options, take a look at this article. The author is rather detailed in his narrative of both the cradle and the software though screenshots of the latter is lacking (aside from the image above). Also beware that according to the Arkon website, this product appears to have been discontinued in favor of a newer solution, so if you're interested specifically in the reviewed unit, you'll want to rush the reseller sites soon to check on pricing and remaining stock.