Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Ars Technica: Free Wi-Fi Spawns Cafe Backlash
Posted by Raphael Salgado in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 03:00 PM
"Cafe owners have found that WiFi brings customers, but also a host of problems. Some people purchase nothing at all, some buy the cheapest item on the menu, and most stay for hours at a time, tying up tables that are especially needed during the lunch rush. Others park outside and surf the Net from the comfort of their vehicles—for months on end. Coffee shop owners are now fighting back."

I had a good chuckle when I first received the article, as I'm equally guilty of hanging out at my local Panera much longer than I should, all because of the free Wi-Fi. However, due to my extremely guilty conscience I likely inherited as a side-effect of my conversion to Judaism, I did make sure that I bought something at least once every half hour I continued to lounge there. Now that more cafes are becoming hotspots and more devices are being integrated with Wi-Fi, the issue of cafe owners is not getting customers to come, but getting them to leave! :wink: Have you noticed the trend in your area? Are you part of that "cybersquatter" crowd? Have you come in as a legitimate customer, only to be annoyed by others that do just that? Your thoughts, please.

I had a good chuckle when I first received the article, as I'm equally guilty of hanging out at my local Panera much longer than I should, all because of the free Wi-Fi. However, due to my extremely guilty conscience I likely inherited as a side-effect of my conversion to Judaism, I did make sure that I bought something at least once every half hour I continued to lounge there. Now that more cafes are becoming hotspots and more devices are being integrated with Wi-Fi, the issue of cafe owners is not getting customers to come, but getting them to leave! :wink: Have you noticed the trend in your area? Are you part of that "cybersquatter" crowd? Have you come in as a legitimate customer, only to be annoyed by others that do just that? Your thoughts, please.