Tuesday, July 4, 2006
SpaceTime Mobile Releases Pocket Graphs
Posted by Darius Wey in "SOFTWARE" @ 01:00 PM
"Pocket Graphs sets a new standard in ease of use for graphing software. Graphs 2D functions, 3D functions, implicit graphs, and fractals with a single click of your mouse or tap of your stylus!"

If you're into graphing, then SpaceTime Mobile's latest release may be worth a look. There is a free trial version available from here. The full version costs $19.95. Oh, and if you're still staring at that image above, sorry to disappoint, but it's no Magic Eye. ;)

If you're into graphing, then SpaceTime Mobile's latest release may be worth a look. There is a free trial version available from here. The full version costs $19.95. Oh, and if you're still staring at that image above, sorry to disappoint, but it's no Magic Eye. ;)