Monday, June 19, 2006
Win Another Vaja Treo 700w Case
Posted by Jason Dunn in "EVENT" @ 10:00 AM
That's another, another Vaja case giveaway! Shortly after I sent back the 700w, Vaja sent me another case to look at. No Treo + no review = giveaway! This case us a T77SP iVolution case, in dark chocolate brown and without a belt clip. It's never even been put on a Treo 700w, so it's in perfect condition, and you can win it!

The contest rules are very simple: post a message telling me what's the best thing about your Treo 700w. The customized software? The build quality? The smell? Any reason is fine - just post one message telling me why you went with the Treo 700w. This is a quick contest: I'll pick a winner June 20th (tomorrow) at 1 PM GMT -6. The winner will be contacted privately and a message will be posted in this thread - there will be no front-page announcement.
UPDATE: And the winner is...AngelaSW. Congrats!

The contest rules are very simple: post a message telling me what's the best thing about your Treo 700w. The customized software? The build quality? The smell? Any reason is fine - just post one message telling me why you went with the Treo 700w. This is a quick contest: I'll pick a winner June 20th (tomorrow) at 1 PM GMT -6. The winner will be contacted privately and a message will be posted in this thread - there will be no front-page announcement.
UPDATE: And the winner is...AngelaSW. Congrats!