Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Winners Of The SuDoku / Kakuro Giveaway From Mastersoft Mobile!
Posted by Jon Westfall in "EVENT" @ 01:00 PM

After a carefully organized system of assigning numbers and asking random people to pick a number between 1 - 32 (It just so happens that around 32 people asked for SuDoku and 31 asked for Kakuro!), the results of our SuDoku / Kakuro Giveaway are in...
The winners are...
burtcom, lsbeller, ffaridi1, tvarga, gattog
OTHHC, boanerges, Ollie03031, rcecme, psgny
Congratulations to the winners! Be sure to check the email address you provided to us when you registered your forum account for details on collecting your prize (If that email doesn't work or you don't hear something within a few days, use the Contact form to email me).
We'd like to thank Mastersoft Mobile Solutions for their generosity in providing our boredom-reducing loot for the contest! If you didn't win, you are still entitled to checking out the special discount hidden in this thread to get some money off a Kakuro purchase!