Friday, June 9, 2006
A Time to Drool: Samsung's 1.98" VGA Display
Posted by Darius Wey in "NEWS" @ 11:00 AM
"Think your shiny new cellphone has a crisp display? Think again. Samsung is first to demonstrate actual VGA resolution on a cellphone-sized 1.98" display. Samsung says that the display shows ten times more detail than your average 40" high definition LCD TV... In real life applications, Samsung expects mobile phones equipped with this new display to be able to show Windows screens and documents with the same VGA quality that is provided by most desktop or notebook PCs today. Besides higher resolution, the screen also shows up to 16 million colors and can cope with "extremely fast data transmission rates required today," Samsung said."

Oh, Samsung, why do you tease us? :drool:

Oh, Samsung, why do you tease us? :drool: