Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Clinton Fitch Reviews the 02 XDA Atom
Posted by Jason Dunn in "ARTICLE" @ 11:00 AM
"With the explosion of Windows Mobile based devices in the past 24 months, it is challenging to find a device that is unique. After all, most of the current devices are developed by HTC and simply re-branded by the Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM) or carrier. The challenge with this approach however is two fold. One, although the devices may be the same from different OEMs, not all of the devices have the same feature sets. This can lead to confusion in the marketplace. Secondly, if there is an issue that impacts a particular model, it is likely all of the OEMs and carriers will have that same issue. Seeing to have more control over the devices and the quality of them, O2 has developed the XDA Atom. This non-HTC device is developed in association with Quanta Computer Inc. (QCI) and provides a unique, full featured Windows Mobile Pocket PC Phone in a powerfully small package."

If you're considering the 02 XDA Atom, be sure to give Clinton Fitch's review a read.

If you're considering the 02 XDA Atom, be sure to give Clinton Fitch's review a read.