Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Forever Waiting for a Firmware Update?
Posted by Raphael Salgado in "THOUGHT" @ 10:00 AM
I just got off the phone with a technical service representative at UTStarcom/Audiovox this morning, wanting to know where the much-anticipated firmware update is for the Verizon Wireless' XV6700, and when it's going to be released. All of the other carrier-branded models of the PPC-6700, which includes Sprint, Alltel, Qwest, and even Cellular South, have already received their firmware update to bring them the Messaging and Security Feature Pack (MSFP) and are available on UTStarcom's website.

But, in my latest conversation with UTStarcom, I have been basically told that the engineers have been sitting on a completed Verizon-branded firmware update for some time now, and simply been waiting for Verizon Wireless to "bless" the image in order to release it publicly. To add further insult to injury, according to the engineers, the most recent timeframe for a response is 3rd quarter 2006. :evil: Honestly now - what in heaven's name is the hold up?! Verizon has been notorious in stalling nearly every Pocket PC Phone upgrade or fix, with the exception of their new flagship Pocket PC device, the Treo 700w. (Don't even get me started with the Samsung SPH-i700 upgrade to 2003 2nd Edition!)
The UTStarcom rep wouldn't budge nor let anyone but Verizon individuals speak to the engineers ("the engineers don't take calls"), so getting a hold of the firmware update is out of my hands at this point. Regardless of the fact that they disable features on their phones, I'm thinking of only a few possibilities why Verizon Wireless continues to fail the Windows Mobile community: 1. their technical staff is incompetent, underpowered, or inefficient, 2. their infrastructure is so top-heavy that it takes multitudes of processes and protocols to accomplish even the most simple tasks, and/or 3. the timing of the release is mandated or influenced by the scheduling of other devices for better market penetration (i.e. releasing the 700w and Q is first priority).
Whatever happened to the idea of users applying their own hotfixes and patches? Why can't the Windows Mobile OS be more universal, where device manufacturers simply apply their "device drivers" and software customizations after-the-fact? Windows Mobile 6 is yet on schedule - how many devices will yet again be left in the dust without an upgrade because their manufacturers will want to sell it with a "new" iteration of Pocket PCs? (My rant is slightly quelled - the Xbox 360 received a very nice Live update today.) Your thoughts, please, while I practice some much needed meditation...

But, in my latest conversation with UTStarcom, I have been basically told that the engineers have been sitting on a completed Verizon-branded firmware update for some time now, and simply been waiting for Verizon Wireless to "bless" the image in order to release it publicly. To add further insult to injury, according to the engineers, the most recent timeframe for a response is 3rd quarter 2006. :evil: Honestly now - what in heaven's name is the hold up?! Verizon has been notorious in stalling nearly every Pocket PC Phone upgrade or fix, with the exception of their new flagship Pocket PC device, the Treo 700w. (Don't even get me started with the Samsung SPH-i700 upgrade to 2003 2nd Edition!)
The UTStarcom rep wouldn't budge nor let anyone but Verizon individuals speak to the engineers ("the engineers don't take calls"), so getting a hold of the firmware update is out of my hands at this point. Regardless of the fact that they disable features on their phones, I'm thinking of only a few possibilities why Verizon Wireless continues to fail the Windows Mobile community: 1. their technical staff is incompetent, underpowered, or inefficient, 2. their infrastructure is so top-heavy that it takes multitudes of processes and protocols to accomplish even the most simple tasks, and/or 3. the timing of the release is mandated or influenced by the scheduling of other devices for better market penetration (i.e. releasing the 700w and Q is first priority).
Whatever happened to the idea of users applying their own hotfixes and patches? Why can't the Windows Mobile OS be more universal, where device manufacturers simply apply their "device drivers" and software customizations after-the-fact? Windows Mobile 6 is yet on schedule - how many devices will yet again be left in the dust without an upgrade because their manufacturers will want to sell it with a "new" iteration of Pocket PCs? (My rant is slightly quelled - the Xbox 360 received a very nice Live update today.) Your thoughts, please, while I practice some much needed meditation...