Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Announcing The Two Inch View, a Windows Mobile Media & Entertainment Blog
Posted by Jason Dunn in "SITES & RESOURCES" @ 05:00 AM

I'm very pleased to announce the launch of a new site I've been hired for, the Two Inch View, a Microsoft Windows Mobile-sponsored blog focused on all things Windows Mobile as they related to media and entertainment. Photos, videos, music, and gaming - if it's not "work", I'll be covering it on the blog. Allow myself to quote...myself:
"Welcome to this new blog, dedicated to Windows Mobile media and entertainment. And in case you didn’t get it, the site name comes from the screen sizes of some of these devices. “The Five Inch View” just didn’t sound as cool. ;-) Coverage will be focused purely on Windows Mobile devices, which includes Smartphones, Pocket PCs, and of course Portable Media Centers. My role here is to dig up interesting news items, write columns and tutorials about how to get the most out of your devices, and present you with reviews of great new hardware and software. Because this is a Microsoft Windows Mobile sponsored blog (as in, they pay for it), I’m hoping to get interviews with key people on Microsoft teams to bring you the inside track on where things are headed. I’m going to focus more on quality than quantity here. This is not going to be a high-volume news blog – for that, look to the other sites that I work on, Pocket PC Thoughts, Smartphone Thoughts, and Digital Media Thoughts. This is also not meant to be a full-blown community site, hence the lack of forums. This is a simple blog, but I believe it will serve a useful purpose in the Windows Mobile world."
What does this mean for Pocket PC Thoughts, Smartphone Thoughts, and Digital Media Thoughts? Nothing at all - everything will remain the same on each of these sites, with perhaps the exception that as I devote time to creating content for the Two Inch View ("TIV" for short) it will be linked to from the appropriate Thoughts Media sites. That means more content for you. ;-)
So stop by, subscribe to the RSS feed, and join in the discussion. The design was created by Fabrizio Fiandanese (of course!) and I happen to think it looks killer. Feedback welcome, either here or over on the site.