Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Coming Soon - Windows Live Mobile client for Windows Mobile
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "SOFTWARE" @ 03:00 PM
"[A] few days ago I spoke about the Live Mobile Client at the Windows Live Session in London. I couldn't get any photos of it, however I tried my best to run off my memory what I saw, where and how it worked. Please note, it's a concept so until I can get some screenies, this'll have to do... With the Live Mobile Client... you'll be able to click on a contact with your devices buttons, and check out their contact card and Live Contacts details - so you'll be able to check out whether they've updated their blog and also pick up their contact details from your handset. You'll be able to subscribe to RSS feeds and view the latest updated feed, as well as being able to access your Space and email via Windows Live Mail (Mobile)."

When I think of where the Internet has really grown in terms of usage, I think of collaboration, blogging, social networks, etc. So it's not too difficult to understand where Microsoft is going with their "Live" vision. Of course, in terms of mobile IM clients, this is nothing new to MS when you consider their prior rollouts of mobile MSN messenger as well as their recently-released mobile Office Communicator (for those of you familiar with their Enterprise IM offering labeled Live Communications Server). So check out the article if you're interested in a sneak-peek of what's to come with Live Mobile Messenger.

When I think of where the Internet has really grown in terms of usage, I think of collaboration, blogging, social networks, etc. So it's not too difficult to understand where Microsoft is going with their "Live" vision. Of course, in terms of mobile IM clients, this is nothing new to MS when you consider their prior rollouts of mobile MSN messenger as well as their recently-released mobile Office Communicator (for those of you familiar with their Enterprise IM offering labeled Live Communications Server). So check out the article if you're interested in a sneak-peek of what's to come with Live Mobile Messenger.