Sunday, May 28, 2006
Did You Get The Urge?
Posted by Jon Westfall in "THOUGHT" @ 09:00 AM

Microsoft & Viacom's new music store, URGE, integrates itself into Windows Media Player 11, a fact Darius highlighted in his recent write-up. With more than a week between then and now, I'm wondering how many of you felt the urge to try Urge. Personally I'm ready to ditch my Rhapsody subscription for Urge, ridding myself of a piece of software I'm not particularly thrilled with from a company I don't particularly like in favor of software that is already integrated into my media player of choice. So have you gotten the Urge? Are you already hooked? Or are you planning to continue with what you've been doing already, taking the "If it ain't broke" approach?