Friday, May 26, 2006
Samsung Showing Off: First PC With NAND Flash Memory
Posted by Jon Westfall in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 07:40 AM
"Fellow GEEKS here you are our GRACELAND ! YES the long dreamed and awaited moment is finally here, Samsung just show of the 2 very first PC with NAND Flash memory. A Q1 and Q30 with 32GB of memory !!! The sales of such PC are schedule for JUNE in Korea ONLY ! The only drawback is the price which will be around over 2,400.00 USD for a Q1 for example"

Well, I don't know about you, but I can probably wait a bit longer for this geek dream, especially since I can pick up a few lower-end laptops for the price. But if you've been lusting over solid state media being the only media needed on your PC, Samsung is giving it to you (provided you go to Korea, but you knew that already!). For everyone else in the world, Samsung is giving you hope!

Well, I don't know about you, but I can probably wait a bit longer for this geek dream, especially since I can pick up a few lower-end laptops for the price. But if you've been lusting over solid state media being the only media needed on your PC, Samsung is giving it to you (provided you go to Korea, but you knew that already!). For everyone else in the world, Samsung is giving you hope!