Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Windows Mobile Software Roles between Mobile Operator, OEM & Microsoft
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "ARTICLE" @ 03:00 PM
"Following my post regarding the differences between Windows CE and Windows Mobile, I’d like to discuss the responsibility share among the Mobile Operator, device manufacturer and Microsoft on a Windows Mobile-based device, especially when you consider that this device has customizations from each of these companies..."

Okay. So some of you seemed dazed, angry, or confused regarding a prior post that noted differences between Windows CE and Windows Mobile. Perhaps you'll like this new article more to your liking. It addresses, at a conceptual level, the software and OS components that goes into your Windows Mobile PDA/Phone device even before it even reaches you. Now I imagine that these concepts are roughly the same regardless of whether you're talking about a Smartphone or a Pocket PC Phone Edition. Give it a read and let us know what you think!

Okay. So some of you seemed dazed, angry, or confused regarding a prior post that noted differences between Windows CE and Windows Mobile. Perhaps you'll like this new article more to your liking. It addresses, at a conceptual level, the software and OS components that goes into your Windows Mobile PDA/Phone device even before it even reaches you. Now I imagine that these concepts are roughly the same regardless of whether you're talking about a Smartphone or a Pocket PC Phone Edition. Give it a read and let us know what you think!