Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Google RSS Reader Now Available in Mobile-Optimized Format
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "SITES & RESOURCES" @ 08:00 AM
If you've ever created your own Google Personalized Homepage and have installed the Reader Homepage Module, then we have good news for you. Your RSS feeds will be viewable via your mobile device by visiting your Google Mobile Homepage.

If you have never used this free service but are interested trying it out yourself, simply sign up for your own Google Homepage here and then customize it to include the Reader Homepage Module. This is definitely a nice feature if you're often connected (or have access to a connection) and don't want to manage disparate RSS applications across both PC and mobile device. Enjoy!

If you have never used this free service but are interested trying it out yourself, simply sign up for your own Google Homepage here and then customize it to include the Reader Homepage Module. This is definitely a nice feature if you're often connected (or have access to a connection) and don't want to manage disparate RSS applications across both PC and mobile device. Enjoy!