Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Official Windows Mobile 5.0 Upgrade Unofficially Released for Samsung i730
Posted by Raphael Salgado in "HARDWARE" @ 08:00 AM
The brains at PDAPhoneHome.com have already put together an unofficial, unsupported version of a working Windows Mobile 5 upgrade for the Samsung i730 from Verizon Wireless for quite some time now. However, in a similar fashion to unlocking the right combination on a cryptex "Da Vinci Code"-style, another individual has managed to finagle a live download link on Verizon's website that contains an official Windows Mobile 5.0 upgrade for the i730. While Verizon Wireless has not officially released it or mentioned it (and rumors had it that it wasn't even going to be released), the download link is there, nevertheless.

While the leaked, unofficial version and the leaked, official version may be very similar, the official version is reported to have a newer CDMA radio stack. That may sound like a good thing, but with Verizon's "death touch" on the official version, tethering the Internet connection to a PC has been disabled. Again, I'll remind you that both versions are unofficial, and therefore likely to be unsupported by Verizon Wireless or Samsung, and you can 'brick' your device in the process. You can read more on the various i730 threads at PDAPhoneHome.com.

While the leaked, unofficial version and the leaked, official version may be very similar, the official version is reported to have a newer CDMA radio stack. That may sound like a good thing, but with Verizon's "death touch" on the official version, tethering the Internet connection to a PC has been disabled. Again, I'll remind you that both versions are unofficial, and therefore likely to be unsupported by Verizon Wireless or Samsung, and you can 'brick' your device in the process. You can read more on the various i730 threads at PDAPhoneHome.com.