Thursday, April 27, 2006
Winners of the DinarSoft Giveaway
Posted by Darius Wey in "EVENT" @ 12:00 PM

Thanks to all who participated in the Gigantic DinarSoft Software Giveaway. Winners were randomly selected and randomly allocated a DinarSoft title. They are as follows:
• MemMaid: alohatech, bmcbride_81
• TapText: TheMouseMan, W.I.P.
• HandySwitcher: kingsult, kpjackson
• HandyMenu: DanDaMan, MerlinAZ
• HandyLauncher: jsmcguir, MachacO
Congratulations to the ten winners - if you are one of them, an e-mail will be sent to you shortly. To learn more about the software listed above, visit the DinarSoft home page.