Monday, April 24, 2006
Mail2Web Offers Direct Push
Posted by Jon Westfall in "NEWS" @ 12:00 PM
"Mail2Web has been offering free web and mobile access to your email for a long time. They've come along way from the early days. They now offer a free Exchange account with access via OWA and OMA. Recently they added support for Direct Push while still keeping the price at the incredible low level of nothing! I was pretty skeptical when we received this news, so I setup an account myself and within a 10 minutes I'm doing free Direct Push email on my Smartphone. I had a little problems getting things setup, but it was totally worth the effort for the price. Wink If you're interested, all you need to do is head on over to Mail2Web Live and setup an account. Once you have your account setup, log into the Control Panel and under the Free Services tab, click on the last left menu item called "Mail2Web Live" and then "ActiveSync Settings". Make note of all this information, especially the domain. Now, grab your MSFP enabled Smartphone, launch the ActiveSync Client and press Menu/Configure Server and follow the prompts."

Mike at Smartphone Thoughts tested out Mail2Web (which we've posted on previously) and found it supports Direct Push. There are a few free exchange providers floating around, but it's always a gamble to see if they updated their servers to SP2 or not. If you don't require outlook access on the desktop yet want push on your AKU 2 device, check out Mail2Web.

Mike at Smartphone Thoughts tested out Mail2Web (which we've posted on previously) and found it supports Direct Push. There are a few free exchange providers floating around, but it's always a gamble to see if they updated their servers to SP2 or not. If you don't require outlook access on the desktop yet want push on your AKU 2 device, check out Mail2Web.