Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Treo Hollywood Running... Windows Mobile?
Posted by Darius Wey in "NEWS" @ 11:00 AM

In true "let's-not-reveal-too-much-about-this-unreleased-device" fashion, there are a couple of blurry, camera phone pictures floating around of an upcoming Treo codenamed, "Hollywood". To collect the facts (rumours?), we know that the Hollywood is a Windows Mobile 5.0-based Phone Edition that is UMTS-compatible, slimmer than the Treo 700w, lacks a protruding antenna, and equipped with a 300MHz processor, 64MB RAM, 128MB ROM, a 1.3-megapixel camera, and a 240 x 240 screen. And we just might see this one with Cingular.
Another visually stimulating blurry picture after the break.