Wednesday, April 12, 2006
HP Upping 2790's ROM?
Posted by Jon Westfall in "NEWS" @ 03:00 PM
"We know that HP quietly updated the hx2190 and hx2490 to 192MB ROM. Could a similar move be taking place for the iPAQ hx2790? It currently comes with 192MB ROM but Mobinaute found that the HP France specs now show it with 320MB ROM as well as 64MB RAM. With 192MB ROM, you have up to 144 MB of user available persistent storage memory. With 320MB ROM, that jumsp up to 256MB."

According to various HP worldwide sites, the ROM increase for this unit is coming. While I don't think this will stop us from needing memory cards, I do think the extra wiggle room will be nice for those of us who install apps and prefer to keep them "on device" instead of on a card. More room for my horrible Phatpad doodles as well ;)

According to various HP worldwide sites, the ROM increase for this unit is coming. While I don't think this will stop us from needing memory cards, I do think the extra wiggle room will be nice for those of us who install apps and prefer to keep them "on device" instead of on a card. More room for my horrible Phatpad doodles as well ;)