Saturday, March 18, 2006
Wikipedia for Mobile Devices
Posted by Darius Wey in "SITES & RESOURCES" @ 12:00 AM
"Users of Pocket PCs, Smartphones and Java-enabled mobile phones running web browsers can now access a lightweight version of the Wikipedia on-line encyclopaedia. New Zealand-based company Instinct has created a mobile version of Wikipedia for mobile devices, currently available as a beta website. With over 1,025,291 entries it's got pretty much everything users could want to know about, from mercantilism to New Zealand history to Fraggle Rock."

I'm trying to recall how many mobile Wikipedia ports there are, but truth is, I've lost count. Regardless, here's another one to add to your bookmarks.

I'm trying to recall how many mobile Wikipedia ports there are, but truth is, I've lost count. Regardless, here's another one to add to your bookmarks.