Monday, March 13, 2006
Orneta Software's Public Beta Program
Posted by Raphael Salgado in "SOFTWARE" @ 03:00 PM
"March 9, 2006 - Orneta today unveiled a new beta program designed to help power users to preview upcoming Orneta releases for Windows Mobile 5.0 and 2003 Pocket PC's and Smartphone's. The Orneta Beta Program, is currently offering pre-release access to six products including, Biorhythm Mobile, Calculator Mobile, Checkers Mobile, Notepad Mobile, and Go Mobile. The beta area lets you access official versions of the programs in the final stage of development. The beta versions offer users the chance to carry out functionality tests to identify possible problems. At the same time it offers Orneta a vehicle for gathering suggestions and users' needs."

I'm glad that more developers are starting to bridge the gap to end-users by offering public betas of their software, and actually using their feedback to make it full of the features that people really want. You are invited to sign up and give their programs a whirl, then tell them what can be done to improve on it.

I'm glad that more developers are starting to bridge the gap to end-users by offering public betas of their software, and actually using their feedback to make it full of the features that people really want. You are invited to sign up and give their programs a whirl, then tell them what can be done to improve on it.