Monday, March 13, 2006
HanDBase 3.5 For Windows Mobile Released
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "SOFTWARE" @ 06:00 AM
For the longest time, HanDBase has been a favorite database for mobile computing, from the early days of Palm, through the Pocket PC and now it is available on the Smartphone platform as well. Also for the longest time, at least on the Pocket PC side, it was stuck at 3.49b2 or thereabouts. I mean years. Well, it has finally moved to 3.5, and includes things like square screen support for devices like the HP 6500 series and Palm Treo 700w, support for landscape modes, which will have this K-Jam user rejoicing, category support, auto-save and more.

There are a lot more screenshots here. Pricing starts at $29.99 for HanDBase Plus and goes up to $99.99 for HanDBase Enterprise which includes ODBC connectors and a form designer. For those of you that have never tried HanDBase and need a database for your Pocket PC, give this product a serious look. It was never meant to be a portable version of MS Access. It was designed as a database for portable devices with tiny screens, relatively little memory and modest processors. It succeeds brilliantly at it. :D
For the longest time, HanDBase has been a favorite database for mobile computing, from the early days of Palm, through the Pocket PC and now it is available on the Smartphone platform as well. Also for the longest time, at least on the Pocket PC side, it was stuck at 3.49b2 or thereabouts. I mean years. Well, it has finally moved to 3.5, and includes things like square screen support for devices like the HP 6500 series and Palm Treo 700w, support for landscape modes, which will have this K-Jam user rejoicing, category support, auto-save and more.

There are a lot more screenshots here. Pricing starts at $29.99 for HanDBase Plus and goes up to $99.99 for HanDBase Enterprise which includes ODBC connectors and a form designer. For those of you that have never tried HanDBase and need a database for your Pocket PC, give this product a serious look. It was never meant to be a portable version of MS Access. It was designed as a database for portable devices with tiny screens, relatively little memory and modest processors. It succeeds brilliantly at it. :D